November 17, 2017 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
If you’re a pedophile, you pursue the ice cream truck or librarian assistant industries. Dudes with Napoleon complexes who still want hot tail get into rock. If you love young man meat, you start a theater company.
Kevin Spacey took it upon himself to restore the Old Vic theater in London’s West End some years ago. He soon become the theater’s artistic director and ran many shows through the venue up until he got busy with House of Cards. Naturally, the press at the time lauded him for his love of legit theater and commitment to the dramatic arts. That was before this past week where it turns out Spacey was haunting the joint with his dick groping, grabbing, and incessant dictatorial demands.
The Old Vic conducted an internal review following Spacey’s outing as a sex fiend and found 20 people associated with the theater with claims of inappropriate behavior on the part of Spacey during his tenure. Assume some of those were merely people sensitive to his bullying ways. Also assume some had Spacey grab their junk and start rubbing when he felt the urge. A real mixed bag. All of them stated how they were too scared to bring any of this up when Spacey was haunting the establishment.
“This is clearly unacceptable and The Old Vic truly apologises for not creating an environment or culture where people felt able to speak freely.”
Enough said. Are you also paying for cashmere sweaters ruining by unwanted Spacey cum splashes?
The Old Vic gave itself a nice legal pass since none of these allegations were ever brought to their attention or to the police or authorities to be corroborated. Therefore, so you get the point of the internal review, don’t bother suing.
The Board of the Old Vic did promise to promote an environment such that this reign of touching and groping terror never occurred again. Step one, don’t let a child rapist run the place with impunity. There are other steps, but really if you’re not going to abide by the first, there’s no reason to go further down the list.
Credit Spacey for a touch of evil genius.
Photo credit: UK Telegraph / PA