March 11, 2020 | Celebs | Shot Dunyun | 0 Comments
Phoebe Price, if you don’t know her, is an iconic Hollywood personality who has been in the tabloids for years. She’s always one for being in the blogs and likes to get attention so the other day on Instagram Phoebe claimed that Christian Brando is the real father of Michael Jackson’s youngest son, Blanket (born Prince Michael Jackson II).
Christian Brando is one of Marlon Brando’s sons that he had with actress Anna Kashfi(below), which explains why he’s kinda brown. Christian died back in 2008 after being charged with the murder of his half sisters boyfriend. He was also implicated in a second murder that happened but he got off and then died. I had honestly never even heard of him before this but I might be alone on that.
Christian’s mother Anna Kashfi sort of looks like Blanket?
Blanket Jackson has always looked different than the other two kids, Paris and Prince Michael who were born to Debbie Row, he was made in a different surrogate mother who has NEVER been revealed and doesn’t really look like Michael either. There’s a rumour that Jackson had Marlon Brando provide SPERM for him back in the day.or maybe it was Christian?
Here are a few side by sides of Blanket and Christian and some more Phoebe Price in a Corona Virus mask, remember when Michael started that trend? Ya, I do.
And to mark the news of Harvey Weinstein’s sentencing of 23 years in jail today, Phoebe also had this to say about Rita Ora: