Charlie Sheen had cocaine, naked hooker in his closet

October 27, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Monday night, while staying at a suite in the Plaza Hotel in New York City, Charlie Sheen thought his prostitute stole his wallet, so he started to freak out and break stuff. Around 2am, the NYPD arrived and found... READ MORE

Charlie Sheen isn’t in any trouble whatsoever

October 27, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

(NOTE: watching Hollywood celebrities who are above the law is frustrating, so this Russian model named Kate, who has an impossible boob to waist ratio, is here to brighten everyone’s day.) Charlie Sheen has 8 days left on the... READ MORE

Charlie Sheen has be doing cocaine, prostitutes for weeks

October 27, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Charlie Sheen has been in New York spending time with his ex-wife Denise Richards and their two children, but that doesn’t mean he’s gonna stop being Charlie Sheen. They have cocaine and prostitutes in New York too, and Charlie... READ MORE

Charlie Sheen is still a violent, drunken asshole

October 26, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

The last time we saw Charlie Sheen, he was having sex with prostitutes in the bed he shares with his wife and threatening to saw off his wife’s head, and CBS was laughing about it and giving him a... READ MORE

everybody loves charlie sheen, part 3

June 15, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

It was a few hours after midnight on February 5th when Charlie Sheen got a call from OnStar because a Mercedes that belonged to him had driven off the road and settled at the bottom of the canyon near... READ MORE

charlie sheen is going to jail

June 2, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Charlie Sheen made a huge mistake when he ran around the house with a knife and threatened to kill his wife on Christmas Eve, and that mistake of course was that he did it somewhere other than LA. He... READ MORE

charlie sheen did not shave his head. see.

April 19, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

When the story broke last week that Charlie Sheen shaved his head, his agents wanted to make it clear this wasn’t a Britney Spears-type thing. Charlie wasn’t crazy. He didn’t even shave his head. Just got a short hair... READ MORE

charlie sheen shaved his head

April 15, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

You may find this hard to believe, but the mustachioed stranger in the picture next to Charlie Sheen is also Charlie Sheen. Relax my friends, there’s nothing wrong with your monitor, it was simply Charlie in disguise after he... READ MORE

charlie sheen is a degenerate

April 15, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Charlie Sheen once bought a $6000 sex doll, dressed it as a cheerleader, paid two hookers to have an orgy with it, then chopped off its hand with a cleaver, wrapped it in a blanket and disposed of it... READ MORE

charlie sheen is an idiot

April 15, 2010 | Uncategorized | editor| 0 Comments

When the police arrived at Charlie Sheens house on Christmas day after he threatened to kill his wife, he admitted that he broke her glasses among other things, but now his lawyers want all that thrown out. And it... READ MORE



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