Amanda Seyfried knows how to dress

November 9, 2010 | beach | editor| 0 Comments

Amanda Seyfried plays a stripper in a new movie which either has the terrible name I’m.mortal or the terrible name Now (just combine them Hollywood. you know you want to), and what they lack in movie naming skills they... READ MORE

I hate this cutesy crap for Halloween

November 2, 2010 | beach | editor| 0 Comments

Let me preface this by saying you can wear something cute for Halloween and still look fantastic. Like super famous porn star Kristina Rose did (twitter). She wore a cowgirl costume backwards. She’s a Reverse Cowgirl. Get it? Do... READ MORE

amanda seyfried is naked

January 13, 2010 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

The French trailer for ‘Chloe’, starring Liam Nesson, Julianne Moore and Amanda Seyfried, is way better than the American one because it delves deeper into the psychological tug-of-war between the characters. And also because you can see Amandas naked... READ MORE

amanda seyfried in gq

September 25, 2009 | Uncategorized | editor| 0 Comments

It must be exciting for Lindsay Lohan to watch as her supporting actors from ‘Mean Girls’ race along in Hollywood and do more and more good work while she wakes up in a fog at 3pm wondering why her... READ MORE



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