Casey Anthony Negotiating With Networks

June 4, 2015 | celebrity | matt-ralston | 0 Comments

News networks aren’t supposed to pay for televised interviews but you also aren’t supposed to infanticide your children. Casey Anthony left her swamp cooler flanked shanty in Florida accompanied by a reality TV producer to meet the big wigs at NBC. It’s unclear what they’re discussing but if you want to pay an alleged child murderer to lie on camera you’d better run some puff pieces about Caitlyn Jenner for the sake of karma. It’s tough to make Brian Williams look skeptical.

Anthony was reportedly paid $200,000 by ABC for a 2008 interview which led to a global babysitting drought. Why don’t we just order pizza? This would be Anthony’s first sit down interview since being acquitted of murder although to be fair she gets briefly interrogated and spit on regularly at Joe’s Crab Shack. It’s hard to shock people these days. How about dredge up a chick with a nice rack who killed her kid and practice your disconcerting frowns in the visor mirror of your helicopter. Buy yourself some rubber boots you’re going to need them. They know you at the hardware store. You used to be so kind for duct tape.

Photo Credit: Getty Images 

Tags: casey anthony

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