Everyone hates Gwyneth Paltrow

May 18, 2009 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Gwyneth Paltrow is an idiot who needs to constantly be told how awesome she is, so is it any surprise she insisted that the director of her new movie judge her tits before filming a nude scene? The Sun... READ MORE

Guess which one is rich

May 14, 2009 | beach | editor| 0 Comments

You may recognize Joakim Noah if you’re a fan of the Chicago Bulls or police reports about pot or movies where someone travels back 4000 years in a time machine, but he’s the one getting humped in the ocean... READ MORE

Cindy Crawford is … uhh …

May 13, 2009 | beach | editor| 0 Comments

One time on Opie and Anthony, Patrice O’Neal said, “A beautiful 35-year-old ain’t as as good lookin’ as an ugly 19-year-old.” And because that might be the most brilliant thing anyone anywhere has ever said ever, keep it in... READ MORE

Are we still doing this?

May 12, 2009 | beach | editor| 0 Comments

It seems impossible that we’re still talking about this, but apparently we are because today there are shocking new pictures of Miss California who, other than that top she’s wearing, is COMPLETELY TOPLESS!!! These pics were taken just last... READ MORE

Gee I wonder who leaked these

May 8, 2009 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

These cellphone pictures of Rihanna in various stages of undress (including the one full frontal naked money shot here) only just leaked and it’s not clear where they’re from or how they ended up online, but it was Chris... READ MORE

Cassie seems fun – update

May 8, 2009 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

About seven hours ago, model, singer and P Diddy girlfriend Cassie confirmed some impossibly good news on her Twitter page: IT SEEMS THAT SOMEONE HAS HACKED INTO MY COMPUTER…THAT’S REAL FOUL AND EVIL. NOW STOP ACTING LIKE YOU HAVEN’T... READ MORE

john and kate plus sex tape

May 8, 2009 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

There hasn’t been anything on here yet about the scandal around Jon from “Jon and Kate Plus Eight”, because I have no idea WTF that means.  I know what the words “Jon and Kate Plus Eight” mean individually, but... READ MORE

very important site news

May 7, 2009 | naked | editor| 0 Comments

If you’re the kind of person who enjoys resetting passwords, brace yourself because you may come in your pants when I tell you the big news.  One of the reasons we moved some things around last week was because... READ MORE

Victoria Principal will shoot your ass

May 5, 2009 | bikini | editor| 0 Comments

This will fit in nicely with the Sex Symbols of Yesterday theme we’ve had lately because earlier today Victoria Principal filed a lawsuit against her maid, claiming the woman threatened her, kidnaped her dog, damaged her property and assaulted... READ MORE

kelly brook won the bikini contest

March 30, 2009 | beach | editor| 0 Comments

Kelly Brook spent the weekend n Barbados, where she pranced off the beach and into my heart, reclaiming her title as the hottest girl on earth.  But she’s not a very good swimmer.  She’s clearly drowning in some of... READ MORE



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