Charlotte McKinney Tits for GQ Men

December 9, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

The GQ Men of the Year awards are very much like a Charlie Sheen rager. You can see all the obviously hot girls with big tits everywhere, but somehow guys are still coming home with The AIDS. READ MORE

Joe Jonas Still Trying (VIDEO)

October 13, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Who knows if Joe Jonas likes the cock or not. Ten percent of the population is gay. That number rises exponentially among attractive young men in the performing arts. Though the officially out rate in Hollywood remains barely above... READ MORE

Charlotte McKinney In Glorious Gif Form And Shit Around The Web

October 12, 2016 | crap around the web | michael-garcia| 0 Comments

Here is Charlotte McKinney being sexy in gif form. You really do want to see her in motion, not so much the talking, but the bouncing. It's the bouncing that get's you hooked. READ MORE

Charlotte McKinney In Lacy Lingerie And Shit Around The Web

September 17, 2016 | crap around the web | michael-garcia| 0 Comments

Charlotte McKinney lingeries in a crappy Pete Yorn's new video. Both of those notes are redundant. READ MORE

Charlotte McKinney, Wally Pipping Kate Upton

September 1, 2016 | Uncategorized | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Ever since Kate Upton went absent without pay to clean Verlander's cum off her shoulder, this chick stepped right into the void. Whoever you thought would never be replaced is only ever one step removed from never being heard... READ MORE

Charlotte McKinney Patriotic Tits On The 4th And Shit Around The Web

July 6, 2016 | crap around the web | michael-garcia| 0 Comments

It's a violation of the U.S. Code to burn an American flag. However, rubbing your hot and hungry tits all over the Stars and Stripes is applauded. Actually, that seems sane. READ MORE

Charlotte McKinney Domination by Breast

June 30, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

What happens when the A for Effort chick from grade school grows up with a pretty face and enormous tits? Trick question. It's never happened before. Lotto winners who declare they're going back to their job packing holiday meat... READ MORE

Charlotte McKinney in A Bikini

June 20, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Charlotte McKinney is on that list where she gets invited to every single Los Angeles event a level or two beneath A-list red carpet. Her name is on the e-vite for style magazine galas, tequila company pool parties, and... READ MORE

Charlotte McKinney Won’t Quit

June 16, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

The fact that a blond chick with giant tits and a tiny waist has to work this hard to get ahead speaks to the level of competition in the Does She Even Speak, Who the Hell Cares sector of... READ MORE

Charlotte McKinney Nippy In White And Shit Around The Web

May 28, 2016 | crap around the web | michael-garcia| 0 Comments

No one has tits quite like Charlotte McKinney. They are works of friggin' art. Whoever her plastic surgeon is deserves a Nobel prize for those things. I wonder if got to lick them? READ MORE



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